The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) is pleased to announce the addition to our website of a very special “Affirmations” section. It consists of scores of one or two paragraph quotations from persons around the country who have benefited from AHI programming.  We regard the page as a kind of metric that underscores the quality of our programmatic activities.  We encourage you to have a look at the comments and pass the word about the page to those interested in our mission and who might be willing to support it.

In little more than a decade, AHI has grown and developed into a stable edifice with national recognition.  We undertake a wide range of programming with a focus on undergraduate education in the liberal arts, traditionally understood. In 2018, Robert Paquette exited Hamilton College after thirty-seven years of service to become president of AHI. One of his goals is to build an endowment to ensure that AHI becomes an enduring edifice of educational excellence.

In 2019, AHI formally announced The Alexander Hamilton Initiative for the Study of History. Three AHI fellows—Mary Grabar, Douglas Ambrose, and Juliana Pilon—have published works of history in 2019.  Mary Grabar’s Debunking Howard Zinn, which is dedicated to AHI, reached best-seller status at Amazon.  Dr. Grabar has written a devastating critique, exposing the fraudulence of a text, written by the Marxist Howard Zinn, that has sold more than 2.6 million copies and has been mainstreamed into high school and college classrooms.  In November, AHI co-sponsored the Twelfth Annual Carl B. Menges Colloquium at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), featuring Dr. Grabar and Bill McClay, author of the best-selling Land of Hope (Encounter, 2019).  Dr. McClay’s book also has an AHI connection in that it was read in manuscript by AHI President Paquette.  The RIT conference brought high school teachers from every state in the country to focus on the discipline and teaching of history, its use and abuse.

In 2020, we hope to announce the inauguration of several other history-related initiatives for which we need your support. One will be an annual lecture in economic history, a subject that is notoriously understudied on college campuses. The lecture will honor AHI academic adviser Stanley Engerman, who taught economics and history for a half century at the University of Rochester and is considered the world’s leading authority on the comparative history of slavery.

As you may know, AHI relies on the cooperative efforts of active volunteers for management and all but the most essential aspects of professional services. In fulfilling our mission, you may be confident of the efficient use of your gift and of our loyalty to purpose. As a maturing organization we are wholly reliant upon the financial donations of friends, alumni, and those who support our initiatives in defense of liberal arts—traditionally understood—and of a civilizational heritage, which has made this country exceptional in history, “the world’s best hope” in the words of our third president.  On principle, we accept no donations or grants from federal, state, or local government.

We hope that you will consider supporting the AHI. You can do so, directly on our website.

If you wish to mail a donation to support the Alexander Hamilton Institute, please send your contribution to:

The Alexander Hamilton Institute
for the Study of Western Civilization
at The Alexander Hamilton Inn
21 W. Park Row
Clinton, NY 13323
(315) 292-2267

Please know that we wish you and your loved ones a healthy and productive New Year.  We hope that our deeds, not just our words, will earn your support.