The Alexander Hamilton Institute’s staged renovation continues this summer.  A room on the second floor of our headquarters will serve as an archive for documents pertaining to its attemped beginnings as an on-campus center at Hamilton College and to its eventual establishment as an independent edifice of learning. File cabinets are also in place to house collections that will be donated by friends and supporters.  AHI co-founder Robert Paquette has committed his extensive collection on the history of slavery and slave resistance to the AHI.

A large part of the extensive basement area, which now contains the The Encounter Bookshelf, is being renovated into a stylish media center and classroom, complete with lounge area.  “Thanks to a grant from a philanthropic foundation,”  Paquette observed, “the AHI will be holding during the fall 2010 its first ever course, “The Making of American Scripture,” to be taught by AHI fellow Chris Hill  as well as other AHI fellows.”  The Media Center will allow lecturers and students to engage in a full range of teaching possibilities using new technologies.   The AHI will also hold summer film series with guest speakers in the Media Center.  AHI undergraduate fellows and other students and interested adults will find in the renovated rooms a comfortable gathering spot where they can read an Encounter Book, proudly watch a John Wayne movie, or pop in a DVD of Friedrich von Hayek in an episode of William F. Buckley’s Firing Line.