Liberty Fund, an independent educational organization devoted to “the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals,” has announced that the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization will receive a major gift of books and DVDs as part of the Funds’s book placement program to encourage the study of liberty.  The gift will include a rich assortment of Western classics by such writers as Shakespeare, Adam Smith, and Ludwig von Mises as well as DVDs produced as part of Liberty Fund’s Intellectual Portrait Series.

Founded in 1960 by Pierre Goodrich, a wealthy lawyer and businessman, Liberty Fund ranks as one of this country’s most distinguished private educational organizations.  It publishes books, holds more than one hundred conferences annually, and provides a variety of educational resources, including an online Library of Economic and Liberty.

Liberty Fund’s gift will rest on the shelves of the AHI’s recently renovated office space, the James Piereson Room. It was dedicated in September to James Piereson, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and President of the William E. Simon Foundation.  “I can think of no better honor for James Piereson, an intellectual lion in the cause of educational reform, than to have a room in his name stocked with volume after volume on the subject of liberty,” observed AHI Charter Fellow Robert Paquette.  “The AHI is deeply grateful to Liberty Fund for this wonderful gift.”